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  • Toshpulatov

    Difference about words

    What is the difference between Technician and Technologist, do you know?

    1 year agoin Teaching & Leaming-Overseas
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Olona
    If you are not well informed about the real differences between a technician and a technologist, you might simply think the two terms are representing the same thing. Although both terms are interrelated, they are not totally the same. Let\'s first look at what they mean. A technician is a person who studies and practices technology. A technician adopts a practical approach to technology, and as such, he knows more of principles and methods of things that deal with technology.
    1 year ago
  • Raliphaswa
    A technician is a person who understands technology. They have a good knowledge of the principles in the field. Technologists are above technicians and have a greater role. They have knowledge of other various technologies. Technologists have more education with an engineering degree, while technicians can just have a certificate. Technician courses can last one to two years and technologist courses can last up to five years.
    1 year ago
  • Segundo79
    Technologists design, plan, and fabricate better things while technicians execute the plans and do all the manual labor. Technologists use their intelligence to develop new things, whereas technicians rely on their practical skills to maintain and solve problems with the technologist’s ideas. Technologists possess intellectual skills, whereas technicians manage the order and preservation of their work — technologists design ideas into reality.
    1 year ago

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